Welcome Visitors

Welcome to the Smallest Federated Wiki. From this page you can find who we are and what we do.

Pages about us.

Pages where we do and share.

Tip: Press return in the empty search box to find a summary of every site in this index.

Newest site in our catalog.

You can edit your copy of these pages. Press [+] to add more writing spaces. Read How to Wiki for more ideas. Follow Recent Changes here and nearby.


We are happy to have you Submit Changes describing your sites or others you have found useful. We are following some specific practices to make these pages most useful in search.

We name pages by the domain name of the site in lower case. Unlike most pages, this title serves only as a unique key which might be ugly.

We add one reference to a useful starting point in the site. We rewrite the text if it is unclear what this page (and site) is about.

We write a two-line summary of the site borrowing heavily from the reference if this is appropriate. This paragraph comes first. It is what search will read and will show in search results. This must be easily skimmed. Waste no words.

If you would rather just tell us about your site and have us do this work, email me, ward@c2.com. I'm happy to help.